
时间:2018-01-04 16:40:18 来源:
英语试题第一卷(选择题, 50分)
I. 单项选择(每题一分,共30分)
1. --- --- Shall we go boating tomorrow?
   --- ________. The weather report says a storm is coming.
A. I’m afraid we can’t                   B. Sure    
C. That’s a good idea.                   D. Of course
2. I look forword to _________ you in England.
  A. see             B. saw             C. seeing            D. sawing
3. Last weekend,  a young man _________ to visit Zhang Li.
A. come           B. came            C. to come           D. coming
4. The girl ___________ shopping last Sunday.
  A. didn’t go        B. doesn’t go        C. don’t go           D. not go
5. Thanks for ___________ us to your party.
  A. ask              B. invite           C. invitation          D. inviting
6. If you _______ difficultes, I will give you a hand.
  A. do have    B. do having  C. do to have  D. have to
7. Last night, my father ___________ home very late.
A. reached        B. reach          C. gets            D. got to
8. Tom became worried __________ his health.
A. with           B. about          C. in             D. to
9. I _________ a gift from her, but I didn’t __________ it.
A. received, accept                   B. accepted, receive  
C. receive, accepted                  D. accept, receive
10. There is a blackboard __________ the classroom.
A. in front of     B. in the front of    C. in front        D. in the front
11. We will hold a party ________ Christmas Eve.
   A. On           B. at              C. in            D. to
12. Mary __________ Jinan University.
   A. graduated                       B. graduated from  
C. was graduated                   D. was graduated from
13. Hurry up, ____ we'll be late for the film.
A. and           B. but           C. so             D. or
14. _______ Wei Hua ________ Tom__________ very busy.
A. Both; and; is                    B. So; and; is
C. Either; or; is                    D. So; that; are
15._______ he come to chat with your mother?
   A. Do           B. does          C. Were           D. was
16. Mr Zhang felt a little tired, ____ he still went on working.
A. but           B. and           C. so             D. or
17. Mother’s Day is often ____________ by giving mother a day off.
A. celebrate      B. celebrated      C. celebrating      D. celebrates
18. --- Would you like _______ to the library with me?
   --- Yes, I’d like to.
   A. coming       B. for coming      C. to come        D. came
19. I had ____________ with the young man.
A. a interview    B. an interview     C. interview       D.  interviews
20. There ________ a basketball match On TV this afternoon.
A. will have     B. has            C. is going to be    D. is going to have
21. John will go shopping with his friends if it _________.
A. isn’t rain      B. doesn’t rain     C. won’t rain       D. don’t rain
22. I will invite Jane ________ a dinner party.
A. have         B. to have         C. having         D. has
23. We must __________ the English exam.
A. prepare       B. prepare to       C. prepares for     D. prepare for
24. Please give us some __________.
A. advices       B. suggestion      C. advise          D. advice
25. --- Must trees be planted in spring?
   --- No, they ________.
   A. must         B. mustn’t         C. needn’t         D. can’t
26. The girl refused __________ the boy’s gift.
A. accepting     B. to accept        C. accepted         D. for accepting
27. They ________ apples on a farm next month.
A. pick         B. is picking       C. are going to pick  D. picked
28. Jenny seldom went there, ________?
A. is she       B. did she        C. does she       D. isn’t she
29. --- Havw a nice trip!
   --- __________!
A. Good luck    B. What a pity     C. Well done      D. Thank you
30. Why not _________ a party on Christmas?
A. have        B. to have          C. having         D. had
• 阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:00—8:45 Maths Chinese English Maths Chinese
8:55—9:40 English Maths Chinese Chinese Computer
10:0—10:45 Art Physics Biology Politics Computer
10:5—11:40 P.E. English Maths Chemistry English
1:00—1:45 History Geography Physics History Maths
2:00—2:45 Music Chemistry P.E. English Biology
2:55—3:40 Chinese Class Meeting Politics Chinese Geography
31. You have an art class on ______.
A. Monday      B. Tuesday        C. Wednesday      D. Thursday
32. You have ______ Chinese classes every week.
A. 3             B. 4              C. 5              D. 6
33. How long will you rest for lunch-time?
A. 60 minutes     B. 70 minutes       C. 80 minutes        D. 90 minutes
34. You have ______classes only on Monday and Wednesday?
A. art            B. music           C. biology          D. P.E.
35. You can send and receive e-mail from ______to ______ in computer class on Friday.
A. 8:00; 9:00      B. 8:55; 10:45       C. 10:00; 11:40     D. 2:00; 3:40
In England nobody under 18 years old is allowed to drink in a bar. Mr. Thompson often went to a bar near his house. But he never took this son Tom, because he was too young. Then when Tom was his 18 birthday ,Mr. Thompson took him to his usual bar for the first time. They drank for an hour. Tom drank a bit. Then Mr. Thompson said to his son , “Now, Tom, I want to teach you a useful lesson. How do you know when you’ve had enough ? Well, I’ll tell you. Do you see those two lights at the end of the bar? When they seem to become four, you’ve had enough and should go home.” “But, Dad”, said Tom. I can only see one light at the end of the bar.”
36. Young people ________ allowed to drink in bar until 18.
A. is not     B. are not       C. many       D. must
37. When Tom was a child , his father often went to a nearby bar _________taking him.
A. by          B. for        C. with            D. without
38. On Tom’s 18 birthday, he drank together with his father in that bar for __________.
A. the first time  B.once        C. many times      D.18 times
39. Father wanted to tell his son ___________.
A.the time to drink                 B. something about the light
C.when to stop drinking             D.something about the bar
40. In fact , there __________ at the end of the bar.
A. was one light               B. were two lights  
C.were three lights  D. were four lights
第二卷(非选择题, 共30分)
41.------ What’s your ______________ festival?
   ------ I like the Spring Festival ____________.
42.--- Let’s go to see a film, __________ ____________?
   --- It sounds good.
--- I ____________ if you are___________ tomorrow.
   ---  Yes, I am.
44.  ---I’m sorry to keep you waiting for a long time.
   --- It ______________ ____________.
45.--- Have a happy Spring Festival!
   --- The ___________ ___________ you.
• 职场应用(共20分)
任务:假如你是一家外资公司的秘书Li Yang, 公司计划承办一个大型会议,会后安排餐饮,你有餐饮需要的信息和一家酒店餐饮部的信息, 根据公司需要和提供餐饮服务的酒店提供的三个方案,为公司选择合适的方案。
• 阅读公司需要信息和酒店提供的三个方案的信息, 完成任务单
Please read the requirements on the food.
   You work as a secretary in a foreign company in Beijing. Your company is going to hold a conference. You are responsible for the arrangement of food and drinks for the conference. Your guests from all over Asia will attend the conference, so you have to consider the difference in their food preference. You wish to find an excellent cook and hopefully you can limit the per capita(人头) cost to no more than 300 yuan.
Please read the three choices a restaurant provides
                          Food style 1
Chinese food
Includes eight cold dishes and ten hot dishes per table
Can offer Guangzhou and Sichuan cuisine, adjustable upon requirements
Experienced chief
Coke, Pepsi(百事可乐)
Price: 150 yuan per person
Food style 2
Western food
You can choose a set meal or you can choose one out of six choices for appetizer(开胃菜), main course, salad, dessert and drinks to make your individual decision. Beef steak and wine are of high quality.
Five-star chef
Price: 380 yuan per person
Food style 3
A combination of different food styles such as Chinese food, pizza and barbecue(烤肉)
Excellent award-winning chief
Soft drinks available
Price: 200yuan per person
A. 根据所给信息, 填写任务单
Choice Food style Cook         Price (yuan)
1 Chinese food 46. ______________ 47. ________
2 48. __________ Five-star chef 49. ________
3 50. __________ Excellent award-winning chef 200
• 为公司选择好餐饮方案向经理汇报, 内容主要包括:
1. What is your task?
2. Which food style do you choose?
3. Why do you choose this style? And please give the reasons for your choice.
注意:文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;词数100词左右; 开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear manager,
Our company is gong to hold a conference. We will invite some people who are from all over the Asia.
                                                              Li Yang
